Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why the name?

I thought it prudent to use the first post to explain the names I chose for this blog. After all, the name should represent what the blog will be about, right?

Wrong! (At least in this case)

Absentis Sententia - Latin for "Missing Thoughts". It doesn't really mean anything; I just needed something that sounded cool to put in the link. I thought it sounded poetic, so I went with it.

Later, while I pondered about the name, I realized it could refer to the things people don't usually think about. Thus, I decided to replace the original title I had thought for hte blog with this one, since in here I would write about matters I think are important and people should consider.

As to what the blog will (I hope) be about, it will serve three purposes. First, as I just said, I will use it to write and share whatever meaningful ideas I come across. I hate blogs that go on and on about stupid stuff, so you won't read posts here about "why some restaurants give too few napkins" or "hear" me rant angrily about some random stupid action someone did today. Second, I will use it to post my short stories and attempts to write a fantasy novel. Hopefully, this will give me the incentive I need to continue writing them. And third, it will serve me to share any interesting picture or photo I take/draw/stumble upon during my daily life.

Now some might be wondering "why write a blog in english when you come from a spanish speaking country?" Well, most of the world speaks english, and since the idea is that many people will read this, writing it in english makes more sense. That doesn't mean I will not write in spanish. I expect some posts will be in spanish, and some that are in english will have a spanish translation and vice versa. But yes, mostly it will be english.

Hopefully I will post stuff continually, not like my previous attempt at making a blog some years ago which failed after two weeks. So it is with great excitement and expectation that I write this first post, and look forward to writing the next one! Until next time.


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